FPIISumbar.com,Pesisir Selatan – Ketua Bawaslu RI, Abhan meresmikan program Pejabat Pengelola Informasi dan Dokumentasi (PPID) Bawaslu Kabupaten...
FPIISumbar.com,Pesisir Selatan – Menteri Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (Mendes PDTT), Abdul Halim Iskandar mendorong sektor...
FPIISUMBAR.COM,PAINAN – Menteri Desa Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi RI, Abdul Halim Iskandar, akan melakukan kunjungan kerja...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...
It sounds funny to think that a little Chihuahua would be able to stop a thief. If...